Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Finally, a letter!!(:

"Hello everybody, how's it going?Today is p-day and i go to the temple right after lunch, so that should be fun. Also, letters are awesome, and also when you reply to my emails it would be great if you could do it through because I'll get a hard copy that I can read, so that I can prepare what I want to say. I only have 30 minutes to read and write emails, so a hard copy would be great so that I can use my time for writing. I have a lot to tell you but I don't have much time. Write back soon, and send letters, let me , but just keep sending letters and I'll write back when I can.
-Elder Call"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

While I am waiting for a letter from Elder Call, here are some pictures of him and the family driving up to utah to drop him off to MTC. We drove to Fort Worth, than Colorado (a 14 hour drive!), and then Utah. He wasn't allowed to watch tv, movies, or listen to radio. So we decided to listen to some tapes called "JOHN BY-THE-WAY". They are recorded talks from a famous youth speaker named John Bytheway. Yup, thats his name(: pronounced By-the-way!! Funny, I know.. Anyway, Elder call said they were interesting, so i decided I would give them a try. They were very interesting and HILLARIOUS!! Anyway here are the pictures!!!

                                                      Grandpa, Elder Call, and Grandmother
Elder Call with Colorado background
Steven and Elder Call
TOP: Juliette, Geoffrey, my dad, Christopher, Elder Call
BOTTOM: my mom, me (Carolina), and Jonathan
Elder Call and Jonathan walking towards the car!
Me and Elder Call eating at Toucano's, a brazilian restaraunt in Utah. They have GREAT food!!
Elder Call with his 2 college friends. Juan, and Danon
At uncle Bruce's house.
TOP: Juliette, my mom, Elder Call, my dad and me (carolina)
BOTTOM: Christopher, Jonathan, and Geoffrey.
playing pool at BYU's gaming center (:

Elder Call and Elder Yzaguirre at Cafe Rio in Utah.

Call's, Yzaguirre's, and Coronado's at cafe Rio.!!
My mom, my dad, and Elder Call in front of Provo Temple!!
TOP: Juliette, my dad, Elder Call, and me.
BOTTOM: Christopher, my mom, Jonathan, and Geoffrey.
At MTC!! We couldn't get a good picture because a bunch of other people were checking in!
Elder Call was asked to dance in honor of getting asked to serve a mission(:

Monday, August 9, 2010

here's somethng interesting!!

Isn't that the cutest picture EVER!! Elder Call with our cousin's son (Steven!)!!

top: Juliette, my mom (hna. call), Elder Call, my dad (presidente call), and me (carolina)
bottom: Christopher, Jonathan(: , and Geoffrey!
In Utah!! lot's of fun!(:

wanna contact elder call??

well here is how:
write him a letter at-
Elder Addison Boyd Call canada Montreal mission Provo Missionary Trainig Center
2005 north 900East Provo, Utah 84604 U.S.

please check out
(that lets you write letters online and it will then print and send to him!)

if you want, you can add comments on here and I can forward them to him..

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What is this?

Well I'm Carolina, and this is a blog for my brother, Addison Call who is currently serving a mission. He is at MTC at the time, and will be leaving for Montreal, Canada shortly. He will be speaking 3 languages max. French, English, Spanish, and/or Mandrin.
I will be copy-pasting emails from him and posting them here!!